Shanti Swaroopa-Tips
Walk, carpool, or take the bus to school.
Less carbon emissions and less pollution comes from less burned fuel. We have to use fuel to run most of today’s cars – so, let’s use as little of it as we can…! When you share a ride with others, it means fewer people have to use gas, and when you walk or bike there is no fuel burned at all…except maybe your calories…!
Turn off the water while showering and brushing teeth.
Most people let the water run while soaping up or brushing, but that wastes too much water. Run the water to get your towel and body or toothbrush wet and then wash or brush with the water off. It saves water and energy because you end up using only the right amount of water and that much power required to pump water is automatically saved!
Start an organic garden at school and create compost for it.
It’s a considerable amount of work, but if you can get your teacher/lecturer behind you, it’s very likely that your principal will allow you to start an organic garden of some kind and a compost heap to fertilize it. Learn about composting for kids here, and get your science teacher to help you learn about gardening. You’re sure to get extra credit…!
Turn off lights and appliances/electronics when not in use.
Kids who aren’t environmentally conscious don’t usually think about turning off lights and appliances because kids in general aren’t cost conscious. That means kids waste stuff. (Don’t worry – your parents did it when they were kids, too.) Kids who reduce, reuse, and recycle know that wastefulness is not good, and one thing they do not waste is energy. Although cleaner energy is becoming more common, no energy should be wasted. When you’re not using lights or appliances/electronics (TV, computer, video games, etc.), TURN THEM OFF…!
Recycle and allow kids to sort.
The family that recycles together stays together…! Going green is a lifestyle, so get in on the day-to-day activities by doing your part. SO help parents segregate different types of waste and also dispose them in the right way.
Reduce waste by curbing use of disposables.
It’s easy to use throwaway cups, plates, wrappers, and utensils, but it only creates more waste for landfills. Also, disposable paper products like facial and bathroom tissue and paper towels and napkins also end up in the trash. We can save more trees by using less paper products, and we can keep more plastics and styrofoam out of the landfills by using less throwaway utensils and containers. Also, eating less often at fast-food restaurants cuts down on your usage of these items, too.
Watering gardens early mornings/late evenings:
A wonderful garden in front of your home feels great, but know how much water it consumes…! However, watering gardens early in the morning or late evening helps moisture retention in soil and makes it available to plants at a later stage. If your area is water stressed, please avoid maintaining a garden. The same amount of water can be used by those who need it….!
Volunteer with community organizations that plant trees.
Trees help us enjoy cleaner air and more beautiful landscapes. Find organizations that take up such work and join hands with them. In addition to providing shade trees also serve as homes to many birds, butterflies, insects, etc., which help in maintaining the eco-balance which is essential for human existence.